Dean Del Sesto

Dean Del Sesto, dirige una galardonada agencia especializada en identidad corporativa y comunicaciones llamada Breviti y también es socio de VeracityColab, una agencia Negocio a negocio. Conferenciante principal y autor, vive en el sur de California con su esposa, Kitt. Dean Del Sesto runs an award-winning branding and communications agency called Breviti and is also a partner in Veracity Colab, a B2B and consumer based video agency .With over 25 years in the field, Dean has had the pleasure to be directly involved in the local to enterprise-wide brand development of over 800 companies, from small business to Fortune 500. He has been retained by companies such as IBM, Ricoh, Toyota, Watson Laboratories, Apria Healthcare, American West, US Borax, and many others. Dean is the author of Shift Your Thinking and finds great joy in counseling, advising, and collaborating with others in the areas of marriage, relationships, and business. He and his wife, Kittrena, live in Southern California.

Dean Del Sesto

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